
Rights by Schnellertrollermeier.
Bandcamp Link: Rights

Maximalist minimalism. Instrumental trio of Guitar, Bass, and Drums.

They get compared a lot to the band can, but, to be honest, they remind bit more of Battles and a lot more of King Crimson, circa their amazing album “Red”. Something about the hyperactive rhythms and the lack of guitar solos. (I do really like the guitarist’s use of harmonics, specifically a for rhytmic motifs.) Hypnotic and kinetic, the patterns they play are continually evolving and changing.

And every once in a while the whole band coalesces into a pretty heavy, head banging groove.

Most Excellent.

#TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #SchnellerTrollerMeier #Rights #AndySchellmann #ManuelTroller #DavidMeier