
So, this is the first arrangement I wrote fully on my own.

I transcribed Jean ‘Toots’ Theileman’s Bluesette and wrote the Bass Clarinet and Second Soprano Clarinet part based on the key changes.

I think it is kind of fun, it has a propulsive, merry-go-round feel that works with the melody. I only wish I knew how to play accordion better, so I could play the bass part on accordion. That would make it really cool.

Tho, playing the bass clarinet part through as many times as it took for me to get it mostly down, gave me a new respect for tuba players. I shall never make fun of the tuba!

Here’s the pdf of the arrangment: Bluesette

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Hymn No 5 from the Lutheran Service Book and Hymnal, aka “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus”, arranged for Soprano and Bass Clarinets.

8 7 8 7. D.
With Dignity
Origin Uncertain
Charles Wesley, 1707-88

Here’s the pdf of the arrangment: 005.ServiceBookAndHymnal

Starting to get the hang of the recording software, Audacity, not to mention the arranging software, MuseScore.

I’m trying to get it to sound more like a Clarinet Choir, so this time I recorded 4 versions of each part and then mixed those down to a single track. The Bass Bass Clarinet part is on the far left, Tenor Bass Clarinet part in the middle left, Alto Soprano Clarinet part middle right, and Soprano Soprano clarinet part on the far right. After doing that for all 4 parts, a 16 clarinet choir, I added a final Soprano clarinet part of the Soprano part down the middle, ending up with a total of 17 clarinet tracks.

I did accidentally mix the click track into the Bass clarinet part while I was trying to figure out the whole “mix down” thing. Next time I’ll leave that out.

Finally, I used Audacity to a little Reverb, using the “Large Room” preset.

Red Service Book and Hymnal
Red Service Book and Hymnal

African Blackwood Deficiency

Thank you for coming in, Big Ears. While your copper, stainless, and brass levels are good, especially copper, I am seeing a definite African Blackwood deficiency. I am recommending daily clarinet and oboe supplements to build up your levels. In six months, let’s run the test again and see if you’ve built up enough tolerance for some Bass Clarinet and, maybe, Bassoon. And try to get more exercise…