01A08 by Yves De Mey, Bandcamp Link.
9 shortish instrumental tracks.
Track names involve various combinations of the letters, “H”, “J”, “P”, and S” and a modifier. “SHJP Slow”, for example or, “JPSH Color Dust”.
Music is various electronic percussion, often nearly painfully syncopated, with various organ-ish keyboard washes or accents floating over that percussive bed. The stereo sound field is very dynamically and enjoyably used for the various elements of the pieces.
The music itself, despite its syncopation, has a lighthearted feel, not one of menace.
If I were to put it in the vicinity of anything, it is a bit along the lines of British electronic music duo Autechre.
Yves De Mey, along with being an electronic music creator, is a sound designer, producer, and engineer based in Antwerp, Belgium. He has done work for soundtracks, video games, etc.
As SUPERPANG is a label known for releasing abstract electronic music and noise, Yves De Mey’s “01A08” is a fairly accessible, light hearted, and enjoyable album, I found myself gravitating towards putting it on often during my trips back home from band practice in Oakland over the last few months and weeks Or when my mind is tired and needs a bit of non-demanding syncopated relaxation.
“All tracks produced by Yves De Mey in Antwerp, August and September 2020”
#YvesDeMey #SUPERPANG #SP20 #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #NowPlaying