
Please turn to number 602 and join with the clarinets in “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”.

Number: 602
First Line: Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow
Meter: L.M.
Tempo: With great dignity
Music: Louis Bourgeois, cir. 1510-61
Genevan Psalter, 1551
Text: Thomas Ken, 1637-1711

Clarinet Arrangement: 602-PraiseGodFromWhomAllBlessingsFlow

A while back a friend asked me if I was going to record the “Doxology”. She was enamored of my project, having grown up in a church household herself, and hadn’t found many recordings of “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” to her liking.

I said, I would, but it might be a while! It is number 602, the very last hymn, after all.

Anyway, it was her birthday recently, so I decided it would be a nice surprise for her to record the Doxology.

To get that “Church Hymn” feeling, I recorded each part 4 times so it would sound like 16 clarinets playing together on the hymn. I also added the postscript to the hymn from the Lutheran Service Book and Hymnal.

Red Service Book and Hymnal
Red Service Book and Hymnal


Please turn to number 81 and join in singing, “The Words on the Cross”.

Number: 81
First Line: Jesus, in thy dying woes
Meter: 7 7, 7 6.
Tempo: Solemnly
Music: Swedish Melody, 1697
Text: Thomas Benson Pollock, 1836-96

Clarinet Arrangement: 081.TheWordsOnTheCross

Along with the words Jesus Christ supposedly uttered on the cross, there are 21 verses to this short hymn.

To get some of the feel for that repetition, I decided I would play the melody once for each spoken part on the cross, and once between each utterance. I also decided I would read the “words on the cross” along with playing the hymn.

Count your lucky stars, it only ends up being 15 times through the hymn.

Red Service Book and Hymnal
Red Service Book and Hymnal