2018-01-25 I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life

I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life

I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life by Tune-Yards.

There is an interesting tension here between the lyrics and the music.

From a superficial listen, a lot of this album from Merrill Garbus’ band Tune-Yards sounds like “club music”, in terms of the beats and the musical strategies.

On the other hand, a lot of the lyrical content is about anxiety, fear, and self-deprecation.

It’s sort of like having a pom-pom squad leading a cheer based on opinion pieces from the Huffington Post or New Yorker.

My favorite songs are those where a bit more of what seems to be personal narrative creeps in, like “Now as Then” and “Hammer”. Also, the live version of the Tune-Yards band includes Bay Area superstar drummer Hamir Atwal, giving the tunes a bit more edge than the primarily programming and loop based rhythms of the album. So go see them live and decide for yourself!

#TuneYards #ICanFeelYouCreepIntoMyPrivateLife #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack