2017-10-18 The Half That’s Never Been Told

The Half That’s Never Been Told

The Half That’s Never Been Told by Alpha & Omega.

As someone once remarked, “…for someone who doesn’t smoke, you sure listen to a lot of Reggae…” And it’s true, I do enjoy Reggae, especially its more abstract relative, Dub Reggae.

I wan’t familiar with Alpha & Omega until a streaming service suggested them. So I was pleased to discover I do like them.

Apparently, they are a still-active English duo who traffic in fairly traditional Dub Reggae. Well, with some modern digital touches. On this 2014 release they do remind me a lot of some of Adrian Sherwood’s projects. Singers and Players seems to come to mind most frequently.


#TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #AlphaAndOmega #TheHalfThatsNeverBeenTold