Talk in a Bit

Talk in a Bit.

Talk in a Bit by Hannah Silva; Bandcamp Link: Talk in a Bit

Number 25 in the wire magazine (@thewiremagazine) Top 50 releases of 2018.

Hannah Silva is, “an award-winning writer and sound poet known for her innovative and virtuosic vocal performances.”

This is her debut recording.

This is Poetry informed by the modern cultural landscape. It is Post-Black Mirror, Post-Hannibal, and, especially, Post-Fleabag poetry.

Which is to say, her imagery is often disturbing and she is very frank about sexuality.

Two songs are about women as sex dolls, the term “fleshlight” comes up multiple times. One of those songs starts about a prostitute wearing a corset over a puffer jacket, segues to Barbie, then to a life size sex doll. After that she seems to transform into a sushi bar on “gyno row”.

Another songs seems to be about the pleasure and (mostly) pain of S&M.

A couple others may or may not be about serial killers.

As a performer, aside from her poetry, her fixation is with de-composing her communication into the basic elements of language; vowels and consonants without the burden of meaning.

About her poetry, I am ambivalent.

Putting herself out there is brave.

On the other hand, it feels a bit like a woman talking about herself through what she imagines are the mouths of men and wolves, rather than speaking for herself.

But I do enjoy her vocal performances.

#TalkInABit #HannahSilva #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #WireMagazineTop50

Talk in a Bit