2017-09-22 Beginning To Fall In Line Before Me, So Decorously, The Nature Of All That Must Be Transformed

Beginning To Fall In Line Before Me, So Decorously, The Nature Of All That Must Be Transformed

“Beginning To Fall In Line Before Me, So Decorously, The Nature Of All That Must Be Transformed” by Nazoranai.

A trio of Oren Ambarchi, Keiji Haino, and Stephen O’Malley. Ambarchi on drums (etc.), Haino on acoustic stringed instruments and electric guitar, O’Malley on Bass.

A single performance, divided into two parts, Haino sticks to acoustic stringed instruments, (violin and hurdy gurdy, I think,) for the first part, building tension. About mid-way through, Ambarchi hits a groove that wouldn’t be out of place on a Can album, and Haino switches to Electric Guitar. Sonic events accumulate, building to a pitch, and then subside.


#Nazoranai #OrenAmbarchi #KeijiHaino #StephenOMalley #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack

2017-08-02 Impassable Fears

Impassable Fears by Gravetemple.

Gravetemple is a trio of percussionist and electronic musician Oren Ambarchi, vocalist Attila Csihar, and guitarist Stephen O’Malley. Drums, Doom, and Drone.

Similar to their work in SUNN O))), a slightly more stripped down configuration, with drums.

A bit sad to be listening to this with the pathetic bass response of my car’s speakers, but very cool anyway.

Shaking down the boulevard and railing against the gods.

#TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #OrenAmbarchi #AtillaCsihar #StephenOMalley #Gravetemple

2017-06-27 Hazel

Hazel by Æthenor.

The defining feature of this release by Æthenor is the drumming of Mr Noble. Guitars, vocals, and keyboards shimmer in and out of phase, Calder-esque, while Mr Noble’s propulsive drumming rumbles on underneath. Enjoyable.

#TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #Æthenor #Aethenor #StephenOMalley #DanielOSullivan #KristofferRygg #SteveNoble