
Tangle by John Butcher, Thomas Lehn, Matthew Shipp.
Bandcamp Link: Tangle

Saxophones/Feedback, Analogue Synthesizer, and Piano, respectively.

After the last set I played at Doors That Open in Silence, someone asked me if I had listened to John Butcher and Thomas Lehn’s work together, as I was mining sort of similar territory with feedback from mic’d saxophone running back into processing with digital effects. While I was familiar with them separately, I hadn’t heard their work together.

So I quickly added their couple albums together to my bandcamp wishlist!

This is the first one I have had a chance to listen to, recorded live at the Cafe Oto in London, in 2014.

It’s a pretty great record, by turns noisy, tender, and abstract. It is quite interesting to hear “analogue sythesizer” used as an actual instrument in a live improvised setting. Matthew Shipp is sort of the straight man here to Butcher and Lehn’s jokers, but he provides a grounding force that keeps things from flying off too far into the stratosphere.

And I can see why my compatriot mentioned Lehn and Butcher’s work to me. Something to aspire to!

#TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #JohnButcher #ThomasLehn #MatthewShipp #Tangle

2017-05-24 Art of the Improv Trio Volume 3

The Art of The Improv Trio Volume 3. Gerald Cleaver, Ivo Perelman, and Matthew Shipp.

The “Jazziest” and, (for me,) most immediately enjoyable of these recordings, so far. The interplay between Cleaver and Perelman is a delight to listen to.

#TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #GeraldCleaver #IvoPerelman #MatthewShipp

2017-04-21 Piano Song

Even though this is the “Matthew Shipp” Trio, the real star is drummer Newman Taylor-Baker. Especially on Magic Carpet, with its Stubblefield-esque high hat figure. His contributions are outstanding.

#MichaelBisio #NewmanTaylorBaker#MatthewShipp #MatthewShippTrio#TodaysCommuteSoundtrack#viewfromtheparkinglot