Tangle by John Butcher, Thomas Lehn, Matthew Shipp.
Bandcamp Link: Tangle
Saxophones/Feedback, Analogue Synthesizer, and Piano, respectively.
After the last set I played at Doors That Open in Silence, someone asked me if I had listened to John Butcher and Thomas Lehn’s work together, as I was mining sort of similar territory with feedback from mic’d saxophone running back into processing with digital effects. While I was familiar with them separately, I hadn’t heard their work together.
So I quickly added their couple albums together to my bandcamp wishlist!
This is the first one I have had a chance to listen to, recorded live at the Cafe Oto in London, in 2014.
It’s a pretty great record, by turns noisy, tender, and abstract. It is quite interesting to hear “analogue sythesizer” used as an actual instrument in a live improvised setting. Matthew Shipp is sort of the straight man here to Butcher and Lehn’s jokers, but he provides a grounding force that keeps things from flying off too far into the stratosphere.
And I can see why my compatriot mentioned Lehn and Butcher’s work to me. Something to aspire to!
#TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #JohnButcher #ThomasLehn #MatthewShipp #Tangle