2017-07-20 Bells for the South Side (Disc 2)

Bells For The South Side (Disc 2) by Roscoe Mitchell.

When we lived in Madison, WI, Roscoe Mitchell was a professor in the music department at the University of Wisconsin. He would frequently bring the groups he was involved in through town, and I was lucky to see many permutations of his sound.

We were also lucky to be close enough to Chicago that it was close enough to drive down and see many more concerts related to the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM). The concerts documented on this recording were recorded as part of an exhibit, called The Freedom Principle, at the Museum of Contemporary Art celebrating the contributions of artists associated with the AACM to world culture.

Roscoe Mitchell, and the AACM, have been a huge part of my musical mind space for many years, and this release is a sort of summary of his work, from what has passed, to what is to come.

#TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #RoscoeMitchell #CraigTaborn #KikanjuBaku #JaribuShahid #TaniTabbal #WilliamWinant #JamesFei #TyshawnSorey #HughRagin #BellsForTheSouthSide #AncientToTheFuture #TheFreedomPrinciple #MCAChicago

2017-07-19 Bells For The South Side (Disc 1)

Bells For The South Side (Disc 1) by Roscoe Mitchell.

At some point, during the first track on this album, “Spatial Aspects of Sound”, I found myself asking, “What differentiates a discrete series of sound events from music?” Which reminded me of a workshop I attended with Ben Goldberg, where we talked about using silence, as well as sound, with intent, in your playing.

#RoscoeMitchell #CraigTaborn #KikanjuBaku #JaribuShahid #TaniTabbal#WilliamWinant #JamesFei #TyshawnSorey #HughRagin