Ecce Homo

Ecce Homo

Ecce Homo by Ipek Gorgun; Bandcamp Link: Ecce Homo

Number 47 in the Wire Magazine (@thewiremagazine) Top 50 Releases of 2018.

“Born and raised in Ankara, Turkey, Ipek Gorgun is an electronic music composer currently enrolled in the doctoral program of sonic arts at Istanbul technical university’s center for advanced studies in music.”

On the pleasant side of noisy, Ecce Homo often uses looped bell-like sounds to create environments in which to explore with synthesizer and samples.

I enjoyed most of the songs on Ecce Homo, however, for whatever Gorgun felt the need to sample from Alex Jones, of Info Wars infamy. She pulls extensive vocal samples from Jones’ largely incoherent anti-semitic rant about “infiltrating” the Bohemian Grove, The Bay Area’s legendarily exclusive retreat for the rich, famous, and influential.

As with Agnarkea’s Black Helicopters, I am unclear about the intention, and also embarrassed that assholes like Jones have become megaphones for the worst of America’s impulses.

#EcceHomo #IpekGorgun #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #WireMagazineTop50

Ecce Homo