Francisco López: Untitled #366
I have to admit I do not get this SUPERPANG release.
It sounds like a sample of a type writer or a closed high-hat cymbal which has been sped up or slowed down and then repeated a number of times at that speed. Then these series of samples are sequenced against other similar sequences which have been altered to different speeds.
The blocks of samples are sequenced relatively sparingly across the audio field and the apparent volume levels are left fairly low overall.
When I first put it on, I wasn’t sure if it was on at all, or if my car was making a new and surprising, but not particularly concerning, ticking sound.
Interesting techniques, but to me, the overall effect is of walking into a room full of very competent and very busy typists.
“Created at ‘mobile messor’ (Johannesburg, Oslo, New York) and Dune Studio (Loosduinen), 2017-2018. © Francisco López 2018”
#FranciscoLopez #SUPERPANG #SP19 #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack