2017-10-19 Black Origami

Black Origami

Black Origami by Jlin.

Bandcamp Link: Black Origami
Jlin is on the cover of one of the most recent wire magazine, so I thought I should listen. I haven’t yet read the article, so my knowledge is slim.

This is, essentially, a percussion album. There are a few vocal samples here and there, but primarily it is rhythmic theme and variation.

Each track uses it’s own little world of samples, giving it good variety and interest. One, for example, uses samples from marching bands, while another might use African or Asian percussion.

The rhythms are varied and syncopated. Tracks seldom settle into a groove for long before evolving or changing.

Very interesting!

If I had to put it anywhere, I would say it reminds me quite a bit of the band Yellow and a little bit of Eno and Byrne’s “My Life in the Bush of Ghosts”. 

#Jlin #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #BlackOrigami

Live at Fort Miley

For the last couple weeks I’ve been a bit obsessed with recording my Soprano Sax in various acoustic environments at Fort Miley Military Reservation near work.

I tried as much as possible to include environmental sounds, from birds to skateboarders to passersby.

I think it is an interesting slice of where I am as a Soprano Saxophonist and improvisor.

Live at Fort Miley, by Erik Ellestad

Live at Fort Miley, by Erik Ellestad

6 track album

Source: erikellestad.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-fort-miley

Seven Minutes, More or Less

After finishing with this phase of the Lutheran Hymnal Project, I wanted to move in a different direction, and cover some popular songs, along with learning to use techniques like real time audio effects and looping.

The first primary sound source is my recording of Lutheran Hymn 602, aka “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”, aka the Doxology. The second primary sound source was a feedback loop I made of the ambient sound in my work office building.

Everything is chopped, mangled, and looped in various ways, mostly using the features of an audio program called, “AudioMulch”.

Play it loud.

Seven Minutes, More or Less, by Erik Ellestad

Seven Minutes, More or Less, by Erik Ellestad

7 track album

Source: erikellestad.bandcamp.com/album/seven-minutes-more-or-less

Lutheran Hymnal Project: Saints’ Days and Minor Festivals

Lutherans don’t do “Saints” with quite the same vigor that Catholics do, we just have a few people who were a little crazy about Church. So this is a little bit of a downer way to finish up the project. Some nice hymns, though.

Lutheran Hymnal Project: Saints’€™ Days and Minor Festivals, by Erik Ellestad

13 track album

Source: erikellestad.bandcamp.com/album/lutheran-hymnal-project-saints-days-and-minor-festivals