2018-01-30 Venexia


‘Venexia’ by Mika Vainio / Kevin Drumm / Axel Dörner / Lucio Capece.

Oft times in Kevin Drumm’s solo work he limits his sound sources to a single family of sounds. Band saws, radio static, whatever.

On this collaborative release from 2012 with Mika Vainio, Axel Dörner, and Lucio Capece, Drumm displays a wider variety of his sound palette than on his solo releases. Well, at least what I can recognize as his. I am not as familiar with the other artists on this, but can recognize some of Drumm’s signature sounds.

Described as a set of continuous duos, this is a pretty cool album of non-rhythmic sound environments. Very drone-ey and somewhat SciFi, yet not spacey. No, whomever is deploying the subsonic feedback rumble makes sure that it steers very clear of the “spacey” label.

Nice that 4 collaborators from pretty different backgrounds can make something that sounds so organic.

#MikaVainio #KevinDrumm #AxelDörner #LucioCapece #Venexia #todayscommutesoundtrack