Maiden’s Ecstasy

Maiden’s Ecstasy

Maiden’s Ecstasy Ripe Pu-Erh tea, “Late 1990s”, from Aroma Tea Shop in San Francisco.

My coworker has found himself taken with the Ripe Pu-Erh Tea I have served him, so he took it upon himself to visit a local tea retailer and bring in a contribution to our growing workplace stash. Still maintaining he, “doesn’t know much about tea”!

I’m not quite sure how anyone could ask for a tea named “Maiden’s Ecstasy” with a straight face!

Anyway, lascivious name aside, this is a fine Pu-Erh tea, hay and forest floor flavors dominate the early steeps giving way to leather and wood in the later steeps. Aftertastes are menthol/camphor. It doesn’t have great length or complexity, but it is fairly reasonably priced and I don’t detect any real flaws. A very good every day ripe Pu-Erh, in other words.

#Tea #Cha #ShouPuErh #PuErh #RipePuErh #AromaTeaShop