Hilja by Cucina Povera; Bandcamp Link: Hilja
Number 34 in the Wire Magazine (@thewiremagazine) Top 50 Releases of 2018.
I had no real idea what to expect when I put this album on. Initially, from the name, I had a vague idea it might be some sort of South American Prog Rock, but then the song names made me think it might be Greek Prog Rock.
It turns out it is a Glaswegian vocalist, Maria Rossi, who originally is from Finland.
The music is primarily multi-tracked vocal harmonies with various loops and field recordings, frequently percussive, playing beneath them. Beyond the rich textures of the vocals, the music is fairly spare. Most of the vocal melodies are based from the classical/folk vein and they are sung in several languages, even one in English.
It’s a beautiful album, almost other worldly.
#CucinaPovera #Hilja #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #WireMagazineTop50