Highly Rare

Highly Rare by Makaya McCraven.
Bandcamp Link: Highly Rare

Like, “In The Moment,” this is a patchwork album built up from various pieces of a concert. Like what Miles did in his electric period, but with pro-tools instead of tape. It is kind of fun to listen and try to identify which parts go where. My favorite track, “Left Field”, starts out sounding like it might be from an African Head Charge album, but changes mid-way through to more of a electronic dance romp.

Mr McCraven is an incredibly talented drummer, and on this album he surrounds himself with equally talented collaborators like bassist (and hosiery model) Junius Paul and Ben LaMar Gay.

Modern Jazz-like Improvised Music at its finest (and most accessible. And danceable.) 

#MakayaMcCraven #JuniusPaul #NickMazzarella #BenLaMarGay #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack #HighlyRare