A Little Milky Way of Sound Day 11, Prahoxx, by Roland Kayn.
Prahoxx starts quietly humming, then moves to some of the most relatively raucous and ominous sounding events in this unusual Milky Way.
Jim O’Rourke, the endlessly hyphenated musician and engineer, took on the task of engineering and restoring these works from the DAT tapes they were recorded to. He was a long time fan of Kayn’s, describing some of his more adventurous attempts at electronic composition as “lame attempts at Kayn inspired music.” Mr O’Rourke, describing aspects of the recording, “But this does seem like it was Kayn’s ‘summing up’ of his work. At this point since I am working on it on a very microscopic level instead of a macro level, I am learning a lot about his work just by looking at the waveforms. I always knew phase relationship was a big part of how his pieces worked, but actually looking at it has been kind of eye opening.”
#ALittleElectronicMilkyWayOfSound #FrozenReeds #RolandKayn #TodaysCommuteSoundtrack