Please turn to number 103 and join with the clarinets in “Now Let the Vault of Heaven Resound”.
Number: 103
First Line: Now Let the Vault of Heaven Resound
Meter: 8 8, 4 4, 8 8, 4 4. With Alleluias.
Tempo: In unison; boldly
Music: Geistliche Kichengesange, Cologne, 1623
Text: Paul Zeller Strodach, 1876-1947
Clarinet Arrangement: 103-NowLetTheVaultOfHeavenResound
Regarding Paul Zeller Strodach:
A graduate of Muhlenburg College, Allentown, Pennsylvania (BA 1896, MA 1899), and the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia (1899), Strodach was pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Saviour, Trenton, New Jersey (1899-1901); Trinity Lutheran Church, Canton, Ohio (1907-1911); Grace Church, Roxborough, Pennsylvania (1912-21); and Holy Trinity Church, Norristown, Pennsylvania (1921-6). He then worked as literary editor for the United Lutheran Church Publication House, Philadelphia, for two decades. He translated the 1523 Lutheran Order of Baptism from German to English, and wrote A Manual on the Liturgy, which became the standard liturgical reference in his tradition. He also served on the commission for the 1958 Lutheran Service Book and Hymnal.
Hey! The 1958 version of the Lutheran Service Book and Hymnal is exactly the book I am working from!
Anyway, this is another great hymn which I am pleased to record.
Regarding the tune:
LASST UNS ERFREUEN derives its opening line and several other melodic ideas from GENEVAN 68 (68). The tune was first published with the Easter text “Lasst uns erfreuen herzlich sehr” in the Jesuit hymnal Ausserlesene Catlwlische Geistliche Kirchengesänge (Cologne, 1623). LASST UNS ERFREUEN appeared in later hymnals with variations in the “alleluia” phrases.
The setting is by Ralph Vaughan Williams (PHH 316); first published in The English Hymnal (1906), it has become the most popular version of LASST UNS ERFREUEN. In that hymnal the tune was set to Athelstan Riley’s “Ye watchers and ye holy ones” (thus it is sometimes known as VIGILES ET SANCTI).