
Please turn to number 35 and join with the clarinets in “When Christmas Morn is Dawning.

Meter: 7 6, 7 6.
Tempo: Simply
Music: German Folksong, 1823
Arr. by Elisabeth Ehrenborg-Posse, 1818-80
Tr. Claude William Foss, 1855-1935

the pdf of the clarinet arrangement: 035.WhenChristmasMornIsDawning

This is a really pleasant song. Very simple melody with uncomplicated harmonies. It reminds me of Quaker Hymns and other songs like that.

When Christmas morn is dawning
In faither I would repair
Unto the lowly manger;
My Savior lieth there,
Unto the lowly manger;
My Savior lieth there.

How kind, O loving Savior,
To come from heaven above;
From sin and evil save us,
And keep us in thy love.

We need thee, blessed Jesus,
Our dearest friend thou art;
Forbid that we by sinning
Should grieve thy loving heart. Amen.

Red Service Book and Hymnal
Red Service Book and Hymnal